
XML patent is an 'abomination' 

A software patent granted to Microsoft in the US has been labelled an 'abomination':"...Should someone else want to save a programming object in the form of an XML file, Microsoft can now charge them for the privilege or simply refuse them permission to do it at all in the US."' From ZDNet

More Eclipse plugins 

RDFX, EclipseXSLT and XMLAuthor all add some interesting features to the Eclipse workbench. Recommended!

Measure test coverage with Cobertura 

Mark Doliner's Cobertura (cobertura is Spanish for coverage) is a free as in speech GPL tool that handles this job. Cobertura monitors tests by instrumenting the bytecode with extra statements to log which lines are and are not being reached as the test suite executes. It then produces a report in HTML or XML that shows exactly which packages, classes, methods, and individual lines of code are not being tested. You can write more tests for those specific areas to reveal any lingering bugs. From Elliotte Rusty Harold on DeveloperWorks

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